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Our standard coat stand is always ready when you need it. And it need not be immediately concealed under coats, scarves or bags, because it also cuts a fine figure as a decorative object with its clean and contemporary design. It deserves a standing ovation!
Instruction: https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0628/6108/2761/files/Montageanleitung_DW1017_wardrobe_150227.pdf
Information on product safety according to Regulation (EU) No. 2023/988: Reisenthel Accessoires GmbH & Co. KG, Zeppelinstr. 4, 82205 Gilching, Germany
E-Mail: service@reisenthel.com
Important features
The hanger for order and style.
Functionality and decoration for your home.
Eight hooks in all for your jackets and accessories.
The elegant design means it’s great for jackets AND looks good too.
Eight hooks at different heights: Different heights for convenient access to jackets, coats and accessories
Sturdy base: For stability
Easy installation: Rapidly ready for use