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Make mini into maxi! This travelbag is stored in a small bag until it is actually used, to save space. Perfect for travel when your luggage has expanded for the return journey, or when you need a roomy bag for outings, beach days or shopping trips. Mega-volume, very robust and super-comfortable to carry over the shoulder. An absolute travel must-have!
Information on product safety according to Regulation (EU) No. 2023/988: Reisenthel Accessoires GmbH & Co. KG, Zeppelinstr. 4, 82205 Gilching, Germany
E-Mail: service@reisenthel.com
mini maxi travelbag
Important features
A bag that is small and unobtrusive – until you need it!
The fashionable carrier for your holiday. Ideal for shopping and trips to the beach.
It even has its own bag with it. And it can be easily packed in this to save space.
Takes up no space and still offers a full 30 litres of volume.
Compactly fits into a separately usable extra bag: Ideal for storing and for bringing with you as an extra bag
One outer pocket: For smaller items to which you want quick access
Carrying handles easily attachable with Velcro® fasteners: Can always be grabbed one-handed