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Practical and lightweight shopping bag with plenty of volume and a tiny packed size. Compactly packed in a small case, this piece fits into any pocket and is always within easy reach if additional storage space is needed while shopping or out and about. It also protects the environment, as each one replaces about 1,000 plastic bags.
Information on product safety according to Regulation (EU) No. 2023/988: Reisenthel Accessoires GmbH & Co. KG, Zeppelinstr. 4, 82205 Gilching, Germany
E-Mail: service@reisenthel.com
mini maxi shopper pocket
Important features
The shopping bag that replaces all your others and saves up to 1,000 plastic bags.
For small purchases or spontaneous use on the go.
Not (f)lying around at home, but waiting, packed in its own case, ready for the next time of use.
15 litre volume, but still fits in your trouser pocket.
Fits neatly into a separate carrying pouch: Always ready to use and more environmentally friendly than a plastic bag
Two carrying handles: Sits perfectly in the hand
Size when folded: 5 x 10.5 x 2 cm: Ideal for storage